Marketing via Vehicle Wrap
On my drive in to work I saw a newer model SUV with a great vehicle wrap. Further along my drive, I saw a full size pick up - same name...
South St. Block Watch Evening of 1.24.2017
Last night Halifax represented at the South St. Block Watch meeting. Some interesting materials were handed out to aid area residents...
Move the Needle
What do you want to get better at? Is it time to take the next step? Maybe you’ve been delaying and it’s just time to get started. I sat...
2016: The Year of Change Continues…
One thing is for certain in 2016: Halifax has seen a lot of changes. Halifax is very fortunate to be experiencing more growing pains as...
Today’s Bittersweet Calendar Reminder
This morning my phone started sending off alerts, as it does all day long, to remind me of calendar events, especially this time of year...
Why do we have more than one company?
Straight from our "About" page: Halifax Rentals has become our umbrella from which we market our properties and manage our other...
Last month we donated to two causes: a local charity and a local event! 2 Corinthians 9:6-7English Standard Version (ESV) The Cheerful...
Change I believe in.
It’s an election year. Time for catchy slogans and big promises. Halifax has a been very busy this year. At the beginning of March, I had...
We are firm believers in giving back to the community and those less fortunate. Throughout the year we donate to our favorite charities....