How do I rent from Halifax?
We have a list of our properties online.
To find out more about a property, call to verify availability and set up an appointment to see a house.
Our units are generally rented and we give the current tenants 24 hour notice that we'll be showing their home.
Once you've decided on the property you'd like, we will have you complete a rental application.
After acceptance, you sign the lease and we collect a security deposit to reserve the unit.
Do I really need a parental co-signer on the lease? (Students only)
Yes, like the other University rental companies, we require a Parental Co-signer on every rental agreement.
What is the best way to contact you?
If you really want to show interest, call 330.268.6458. And If there is no answer, please leave a message.
We also like emails: info@halifaxdev.com
If you must, you can text 330.268.6458, but we really prefer old fashion phone calls.
What are your typical lease term dates?
Leases near campus run from August 1 to July 15 with VERY little acception.
Off-campus houses leases don't necessarily run in conjuection with the school year.
Do you accept pets?
Depending on the particular home/unit, we may allow pets. This is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
With that said, a cat, dog, or similar pet will require a deposit and/or additional monthly rent.
Please ask, we will gladly evaluate your situation.
Can I get a satellite dish?
No. Due to the damage of mounting hardware and drilling wires into the buildings, we no longer allow satellite dishes.
Do you provide window blinds?
For your privacy and safety we generally provide blinds in every room (there are a few minor exceptions). This means that when you move out, there should still be blinds on those windows and they should not be missing or broken.
What do I need to look into upon moving in?
Check out our "Welcome" letter.
Download the letter here:
What do I need to worry about when I move out?
Here's the form we use to evaluate a property when a tenant moves out. Review it prior to leaving your place for the last time. It will also help you maximize the amount of security deposit returned to you.
Download the form here:
Check out our budgeting tool!
Once you review, please contact us if you have any questions.
Download the Excel file here:
When should I transfer the utilities?
The tenant is responsible for paying the gas and electric services in most of our properties.
It is best practice to contact the utility companies before moving in to transfer service.
If there is any confusion about what utilities you are responsible for, refer to your lease agreement or contact us.
First Energy - Ohio Edision
Customer Service: 1-800-633-4766
Website: www.firstenergycorp.com
Natural Gas:
Dominion East Ohio
Customer Service: 1-800-362-7557
Website: www.dom.com
Time Warner Cable
Customer Service: 1-800-892-4357
Website: www.timewarnercable.com
Akron Public Utilities Bureau
Water Problems: 330-375-2420
Sewer Problems: 330-375-2666
Website: www.akronohio.gov
From Off-Campus Housing:
Zips Assist forms from a meeting 4-20-2018.
For informational purposes only:
Contact information above is believed to be accurate. Always be sure to check with the utility company for corrections, especially when making payment. Halifax and any information provided on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied.